Tuesday, September 13, 2011


It's Spring!  Well, it is supposed to be.  There is not a lot of evidence of it today in Melbourne however.  I am freezing and I have just closed the window to shut out icy air.  Why did I leave Queensland all those years ago?  Was I really that bored?  I was I guess or I wouldn't have left.  However, now I am always freezing and I wonder at my decision.

There is lots to do and look forward to in Melbourne though. Spring Racing for example.

Shopping trips to the city are also enjoyable in Spring (when the sun shines in Spring). 

I also love going to Chadstone Shopping Centre and looking at the gorgeous shops in Spring.  There is a new energy in Spring and everyone seems happier for a while!

I particularly like this Louis Vuitton bag.  It would look good taking this to the office!  Good for going to lunch too.   Happiness is a nice hand bag at all times.

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